What this site is, who I am, other creatures in my life, and credits.
about snerk.net
or, an explanation
snerk: a non-verbal but vocalized expression of amusement, somewhere between a snort and a sarcastic chuckle
This site began life in early 1996 on the engineering subdomain at my university, moved around a few times in the late 90s, and has been at snerk.net since 1999. I chose "snerk" because my sarcastic friends on IRC and I were always making each other laugh and "snerk" was our preferred expression.
about cruftpunk
or, whomst the fucketh
cruftpunk is:
- an artist
- a nerd
- a geek
- a dad
- a widow
- a musician
- middle-aged
- extremely queer
- extremely jewish
- an internet veteran, online since 1991 when Bitnet and BBSes were big
- in favor of a smaller web
about the name
or, what the fuck is a "cruftpunk"
cruftpunk: a hackerly, punny nom de plume created as a sort of portmanteau of "cruft" and "crustpunk".
cruft: see the Jargon File definition
crust punk: see UrbanDictionary's definition
dramatis personae
or, creatures I talk about here
Glitter Princess, aka Her Royal Highness, aka MBWOBM (My Beloved Wife of Blessed Memory™), aka $WIFE
: My wife, who died in early 2019. She was a fabulous, gorgeous, loud, opinionated, royal pain in my fucking ass, and I adored her beyond the telling of it.
kids = ["kid1", "kid2", "kid3", "kid4", "kid5"]
and I had a passel of kids, all of whom are now in various stages of adulthood.
The Genderless Cryptid: The mysterious featherless biped human with whom I now live.
The Void, Feline of Mystery, Criminal Bastard Man, and Himbo: Our blended household of cats. The Void and Feline of Mystery belong to The Cryptid, and Criminal Bastard Man and Himbo are a pair of tuxedo cats who belong to me. Criminal Bastard Man and Himbo are the ridiculous creatures pictured here.
or, i'd like to thank the academy
- makesite.py static site generator - site generation
- python3 - the only coding language I can actually use comfortably
- vim - look, I don't care if you use emacs, but I know where my loyalties lie
- VS Code - the software that eventually got me to actually use an IDE
- Pop!_OS - Pop! OS, based on Ubuntu
- System76 - makers of Pop! OS and my hardware vendor of choice
- Dreamwidth Studios - forked from the Livejournal codebase, but open source and free
- Dreamhost - good Web site hosting