old fandom media

or, back in the day we had to use VCRs to make fan vids, AND WE LIKED IT

this is a collection of old fan media that's been languishing on my hard drive/in my backups/wherever for the last 20 or so years. I didn't make any of these -- credit is given where it is known.

star trek: voyager dance mixes by DJ Netgyrl

these are archived at archive.orgoffsite link

xena: warrior princess mixes

mixes by Sara Omberg:

mixes by unknown artist:

  • "AJITREM" - one of the top five most mysterious tracks in my library. no idea where I got this, no idea who it's by, no idea what its real name is. as I recall, it's a fan tribute to Renee O'Connor.
  • "Gone" - appears to be by the same artist as "AJITREM"